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foto de Paco López _ Estancia en Casa de Velázquez 2016 |
*English version below
Arquitecta por la UEM desde 2007 y Graduada en Bellas Artes en la Universidad de Vigo en 2012. He realizado estancias de intercambio durante mis estudios en la Universitá degli Studi di Parma (Italia) y en Kingston University of London (UK). He recibido el 2º premio en el Concurso (anónimo-bajo lema) de Redacción del Proyecto y Ejecución de Obra del Centro de Interpretación del entorno fluvial del Río Chelo, convocado por la Diputación de A Coruña en 2011 y colaborado en proyectos de arquitectura en Italia, España, Inglaterra y Senegal.
Además, he autoeditado dos libros con fotografías y escritos propios y participado en diversas exposiciones nacionales e internacionales entre ellas "Parallaxes" y "Protest Art: a banner" en Londres, "Did you see them?" y "You are new to the mountain" en la SIM House Gallery, Reykjavík.
Seleccionada en 2016 en CALL XVIII - Convocatoria Internacional para Jóvenes Artistas de la Galería Luis Adelantado en Valencia, en 2017 y en 2015 en las XIX y XVIII Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cerveira en Portugal, en 2015 en el Fig Bilbao y en la Convocatoria Internacional "Aquí y Ahora" de la Galería Blanca Soto en Madrid, Premio NH COLLECTION 2014 en la Feria de Arte Contemporáneo CUARTO PÚBLICO en Santiago de Compostela y selecciones en TransformArte Fundación Caja Rioja y en la Muestra Internacional de Miniatura en San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo México en 2014 y en el XXV Concurso de Nuevos Creadores Benidorm 2013.
Artista en residencia en Reykjavík de Septiembre a Diciembre de 2015 en la Asociación de Artistas Islandeses, SÍM, Samband Íslenskra Myndlistarmanna.
He sido becada por el Consello da Cultura Galega para una estancia de tres meses a finales de 2016 en la Casa de Velázquez en Madrid y en 2017 disfruté de una estancia en Buinho Fab Lab en Messejana, Portugal; uno de los pocos Fab Lab europeos situado en el rural.
El proyecto expositivo individual titulado "yo, tu hogar_" fue seleccionado en 2018 en el CEART en Fuenlabrada, Madrid; año en el que mis piezas formaron parte de un nuevo proyecto expositivo individual titulado "cities of mine" y de diversas exposiciones colectivas en España, Alemania y Portugal.
Desde principios de 2019, gestiono la iniciativa cultural con forma de residencia de artistas llamada las dunas AiR program situada en Corrubedo, Galicia.
En la actualidad después de tres años de residencia en Lisboa, ciudad en la que siento que he tenido la oportunidad de crecer tanto personal como laboralmente; he vuelto a Madrid, el lugar en el que hace casi quince años iniciaba mi carrera como arquitecta y donde trabajo como docente, sin olvidar mi práctica en el mundo del arte y la arquitectura.
Architect at the Universidad Europea de Madrid since 2007 and BA in Fine Arts at the Universidad de Vigo in 2012. I have spent student exchange periods in the Universita degli Studi di Parma (Italy) and Kingston Universityof London (UK). I have received the 2nd Award in the Project and Work Execution for The Enviromental Interpretation Center of the River Chelo, organized by the Provincial Council of A Coruña in 2011 and worked on architectural projects in Italy, Spain, UK and Senegal.
Also, I have self-published two books with own photographs and writings and participated in several national and international exhibitions including "Parallaxes" and "Protest Art: a banner" in London, "Did you see them?" and "You are new to the mountain" at SIM House Gallery, Reykjavík.
Selected in 2016 in CALL XVIII - International Open Call for Young Artists at Luis Adelantado Gallery in Valencia, and in XIX and XVIII International Biennial of Art of Cerveira in Portugal, during 2015 in the Fig Bilbao and in the International Open Call "Aquí y Ahora" at Blanca Soto Gallery in Madrid, NH COLLECTION Award 2014 at the Contemporary Art Fair CUARTO PÚBLICO in Santiago de Compostela and selections in TransformArte Caja Rioja Foundation and in the International Miniature Exhibition in San Pedro Garza García, New Mexico in 2014 and in the XXV Benidorm New Creators Contest 2013.
Artist in residence in Reykjavík from September to December 2015 in the Association of Icelandic Artists, SÍM, Samband Íslenskra Myndlistarmanna.
I have been awarded by the Consello da Cultura Galega for a three-month stay at the end of 2016 at the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid and in 2017 I enjoyed a stay at Buinho Fab Lab in Messejana, Portugal; one of the few European Fab Lab located in the rural.
The solo exhibition project entitled "Yo, tu Hogar_" was selected in 2018 at the CEART in Fuenlabrada, Madrid; year in which my pieces were part of a new individual exhibition project entitled "cities of mine" and various collective exhibitions in Spain, Germany and Portugal.
Since the beginning of 2019, I manage the cultural initiative in the form of an artist's residence called las dunas AiR program located in Corrubedo, Galicia.
Currently, after three years of residence in Lisbon, city in which I feel that I have had the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally; I have returned to Madrid, the place where almost fifteen years ago I began my career as an architect and where I work as a teacher, not forgetting my practice in the world of art and architecture.
I have been awarded by the Consello da Cultura Galega for a three-month stay at the end of 2016 at the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid and in 2017 I enjoyed a stay at Buinho Fab Lab in Messejana, Portugal; one of the few European Fab Lab located in the rural.
The solo exhibition project entitled "Yo, tu Hogar_" was selected in 2018 at the CEART in Fuenlabrada, Madrid; year in which my pieces were part of a new individual exhibition project entitled "cities of mine" and various collective exhibitions in Spain, Germany and Portugal.
Since the beginning of 2019, I manage the cultural initiative in the form of an artist's residence called las dunas AiR program located in Corrubedo, Galicia.
Currently, after three years of residence in Lisbon, city in which I feel that I have had the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally; I have returned to Madrid, the place where almost fifteen years ago I began my career as an architect and where I work as a teacher, not forgetting my practice in the world of art and architecture.